Thought Pieces

The MU-EDRIVE team meeting in Newcastle University’s Electrical Power Laboratory

Breakthrough all-electric drivetrain technology for wave energy conversion

An article first appeared on The Manufacturer...

Harnessing academic innovations for commercial success in UK Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD)

Thought Piece from Professor Mike Capaldi, Chair of Driving the Electric Revolution Industrialisation Centres (DER-IC)....

Why 2024 is pivotal for the UK’s manufacturing industry

Prof Matt Boyle OBE, Executive Chair shares his thoughts on the year ahead...

Grey matter – we can’t lose experienced workers in the race for electrification

Thought Piece from Dr Benjamin Silverstone, Associate Professor at the University of Warwick...

Notes from Matt Boyle

As I reflect on 2022, just after the first consortium meeting looking at progress, I am extremely impressed by what has and is being achieved....

Using the Steinmetz Equation to Compute Eddy Current Loss in Soft Magnetic Composite Components

This thought piece examines soft magnetic composites (SMC) and their applications in electrical machines, actuators and transformers....

Electric powertrains provide new challenges for insulation materials

This thought piece examines insulation materials, discussing why there is renewed interest in insulators...